14 Best Remedies for Treating Gingivitis at Home

home remedies for gingivitis

Did you just miss a dinner date and decide to stay back at home due to a swollen gum and bad breath? Well, then it must be time for you to take these symptoms seriously, as it can be Gingivitis, which if not attended and cured on time might result into something more painful and horrific causing gum disease like Periodontitis and tooth loss in the future.

It is always a better idea to consider and take such symptoms seriously right from the very beginning, so that it can be cured at home, in a less painful and hassle-free way.  Here are some of the most efficient and healthy home remedies discussed below. Take a look.

  1.      Consider brushing your teeth twice a day

Make it a routine to brush teeth at least twice a day after each meal. This will help your gum stay strong and away from bacterial impacts. In addition to it, brushing teeth twice a day helps you eliminate the ill impacts of bad breath.

  1.      Floss before you brush

Even before you brush, consider flossing for a much effective result in the long run. Flossing cleans away bacteria and minute food particles that remain stuck in between teeth after completing a meal or after munching on snacks.

  1.      Use natural mouthwash periodically

It is definitely a nice idea that can be applied in order to get rid of the risk of Gingivitis. Simply keep a container of natural mouthwash within your reach, and use it on a periodical basis. From aloe vera mouthwash to tea tree oil mouthwash, and sage mouthwash to guava leaf mouthwash, you can get numerous options and remedies to apply, which can make keep your gum and teeth healthy, strong and steady.

  1.      Refrain from smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco

Addictions like smoking and chewing tobacco can have a negative impact on your gums and teeth. This, as a result, can give rise to the risks of getting toothaches, bad breath, yellowish teeth and other complications.

  1.      Apply Aloe Vera Gel to prevent and cure the disease

You need to cut the aloe vera leaves sideways and keep the gel extracted in a container. Now you just need to apply the gel on the gum that has been affected by Gingivitis. One can either keep the gel applied or opt for gargling with plain water after few minutes of application.

  1.      Use baking soda to treat the disease

When it comes to home remedies for treating gingivitis effectively, the application of baking soda is considered as one of the most useful ones. Using baking soda helps in neutralizing the acid in the mouth. This, as a result, helps in controlling the risks of the dental cavity and other gum diseases.

  1.      Treat swollen gums with salt

This undoubtedly is yet another amazing way to treat and reduce the risk of gingivitis and other gum diseases. If you have a swollen and inflamed gum, then take a glass of lukewarm water and add ½ teaspoon of salt to it. You need to use this easy-to-make solution and rinse your mouth with it twice a day daily.

  1.      Consider using Omega 3 Fatty Acids

It has been found that using 300 milligrams of Omega 3 Fatty Acids every day for twelve weeks can reduce the risk of gingivitis and bleeding. In addition to it, this helps in preventing serious Periodontitis, as far as some researchers are of the opinion.

Read more:     What is Gingivitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


  1.      Include Vitamin-C in your diet chart

Vitamin-C has several benefits, and foods rich in Vitamin-C are said to act as a great remedial measure for preventing gum disease. Include more of Vitamin-C elements in your diet. Consuming oranges, broccoli, red peppers and Kate can help you come up with a diet that is rich in Vitamin-C. Deficiency of Vitamin-C can otherwise lead to gum diseases.

Thus, in case you were not including Vitamin-C rich food in your food chart, then it’s time for you to do the needful, and move one step ahead in fighting off Gingivitis effectively.

  1.  Use the Himalayan sea salt rub and coconut oil

Talking of efficient home remedies to cure Gingivitis, it is to be mentioned that products like coconut oil and Himalayan sea salt have some of the best impacts on Gingivitis and can help you get rid of the diseases fruitfully.

Take pink Himalayan salt and mix it with coconut oil. Apply and keep it for two minutes before rinsing mouth with water.                                                                                                                                    

  1.  Even turmeric has great benefits

Turmeric is also known to be an effective element which can be used as a remedy to treat inflamed gums, plaque and pain. The curcumin present in turmeric helps in controlling inflammation and also a strong anti-oxidant. It has been found that turmeric mouthwash is an efficient thing to consider if treating gum disease and inflamed gum is a concern. You can take a teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with a half teaspoon of salt and mustard oil to make a paste. Once the paste is made, keep it in a container and consider applying it on your gum twice a day, on a regular basis.

  1.  Lemon juice in a glass of warm water

There are certain antibacterial elements and anti-inflammatory properties present in lemon which can help you get rid of the disease effectively. Lemon has the power to kill bacteria causing gum infections. The acid present in lemon is said to be quite effective in strengthening gums and curing plaques.

  1.  You can consider clove as a strong curing element as well

Even clove is considered as a strong and effective remedy which can be utilized in order to cure Gingivitis. The application of clove is quite simple. You can simply consider chewing two to three of them for 2-3 times a day on a regular basis. One can even consider rubbing cloves on their gums for a couple of times a day. Another great benefit of clove is that it helps in keeping the mouth clean and fresh, thus getting rid of bad breath.

  1.  Utilize the Arimedadi oil pulling technique

Arimedadi oil has various benefits and plays a crucial role when it comes to treating Gingivitis at home. It helps in strengthening gums and teeth, cures mouth sore and reduces swelling. Simply put one to two spoons of the oil in your mouth, and swish it around your mouth for nearly half an hour. However, you should remain careful so that the oil does not reach the back of your throat. After 25-30 minutes, you can spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with fresh water.

So, the next time when you would feel that your gums are going to cause a lot of trouble and can give rise to a severe Gingivitis and other gum diseases, always consider utilizing the aforementioned home remedies for effective treatments, before deciding to see your doctor.

Author Bio – Nathan William is an Australian assignment help expert associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com, dealing with all subject matters related to Nursing and Medicine. Apart from being an enthusiastic writer, Nathan is a salsa dancer and gym instructor as well.

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